The Fabulous Felsen Blog #1
by Jon
Hello my fellow fantastic fishy froggy fabulous Felsinites. I have come to realize that someone has been pressuring me to write an installment of my blog. So here we are, Welcome to Jon’s Fabulous Felsen Blog! So, testing… yay. Since the whole redistricting thing, I have been feeling a little lost without the great Jasper. It is hard to feel truly in tune with Felsen without Jasper beside me, but I have realized Felsen is everywhere with all of us. Ok on a less deep note, Happy 2025, let's try to make it a good year even if some… things are happening. Goodbye for now see you next month unless I bully this someone to let me write earlier. I remain to my point that Narnia is bad ,and goodbye my Fabulous Felsinites!Note: This Blog is not written by the Felsen Team and may contain infomation that is not supported by Felsen